© Detroit Bellydance 2019
copyright Lana Chownyk bellydancer
© Photo by Sarah Skinner, NY
"A must see." - The Travel Channel
Phone: 586.242.9425
Email: Detroitbellydance@yahoo.com
Shows: Weddings, zeffas, parties, theatres, nonprofit galas,
nightclubs, festivals, corporate events, lesson parties & more.
Show Offerings: The lights begin to dim. The sound of the violin
fills the air. Moments later a single dancer (or maybe more) enters
the room. She spins with power as large lighted, sparkling
dramatic fabric wings grab the attention of the audience. Colorful
whirling fabric, fire trays, swords, wooden bamboo sticks, finger
cymbals, flowing fan veils, hips moving to every beat covered in
couture designer costumes. And even on occasion, flamenco
dancing fused with Bellydance for something different halfway
into the show! Before it ends, joyous music brings the audience
on their feet dancing with the dancers making it impossible NOT to
Working with Lana: One or multiple dancers perform to
recorded music, or, live musicians like percussionists, singers,
violinists, oud and kanun players. Packages for various budgets.
At Weddings: Along with dinner shows, Lana is known for her
upbeat zeffas leading the bride & groom into the reception hall to
exciting drum beats - everyone on their feet from the moment the
reception begins!